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Little Grassbird


Little Grassbird provides cute little needle felted animals and plants, sculpted spun cotton knick knacks and ornaments, and the odd embroidery. There are a set number of commission spots throughout the year for custom needle felted pet portraits (or whatever else you might like). Are you more a DIY kind of person? If you're local you might like to come along to a needle felting workshop! Usually you can find Little Grassbird online, at the Castlemaine Artists Market, or in reeds near swamps and marshes. Oh, no, wait, that last one is actual Little Grassbirds, not the human crafty one.
What HeroPacks do you use?
Why do you love Hero Packaging?
They're strong, plastic free, home compostable (or break down in landfill if they happen to end up there), write-on-able, and they feel great. A silky-velvet feel isn't something I thought I was looking for in a satchel, but there you go! I also love that the composting information is on the back so that the person receiving the package knows what to do with them. Plus, I get to support another great Australian business! So far I've only used the white HeroPacks, but I really want to give the black and pink, and the HeroBubbles a go.
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